Our values

Pædagoger og Borgere på Odense Værkstederne

Beskyttede værksteder

Alt Crateits legetøj produceres
på fynske beskyttede værksteder

Dansk flag der indikerer at Crateits legetøj er produceret i Danmark

Dansk design

Crateit viderefører Danmarks designtraditioner gennem vores tidsløse trælegetøj

Ansvarlig produktion

Alt Crateits trælegetøj bliver produceret af mennesker med særlige behov

Social Responsible Production on Funen

With Crateit Is our values ​​rooted in every toy we create. With roots in a personal calling to include people with special needs, we stand for toys made with more than just wood. Each piece is a story of inclusion, crafts and love. We proudly say that our products create joy, utility and benefit, as all our products are produced and gathered by adult people with different challenges, in Funen workshops.

Inclusion and community

It's no secret that everyday life at Crateit offers diversity out of the ordinary - especially on our production, where we daily employ people with special needs. Here we jointly create the best framework for sustainable production of our toys. With Crateit have sustainability more meanings. We do everything we can to create a healthy environment for the affected citizens, where everyone feels included and heard - we think that is sustainable based on the social aspect.

How to Crateit

World Goals We Work From


Social responsibility means that a company actively strives to act and behave responsibly to customers, employees, partners and communities. With Crateit we are highly important to produce our wooden toys in workshops in Denmark, where vulnerable citizens have the opportunity to experience as dignity as any other worker in the country.

'' Economic growth and sustainable development requires that we reduce our footprints on nature as soon as possible by changing the way we produce and consume our goods and resources. ''

- UN World Goals

'' By 2030, all students must have acquired the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including Through teaching sustainable development and sustainable lifestyle, human rights, gender equality, promoting a peaceful and non -violent culture, global citizenship and recognition of cultural diversity and of culture's contribution to sustainable development. '' '

- UN World Goals

Our wooden toys are FSC certified

The FSC certification ensures responsible forest management and people's conditions in the world's forest areas. Read more about FSC here.