Crateit's story

What is Crateit?

Crateit are wooden toys that lay up to play with friends, independent immersion and presence with the family.

The wooden toys are made for the children to color and build as they wish. This is where the most imaginative adventures and stories arise.

Explore crateit's wooden toys
Pædagoger og Borgere på Odense Værkstederne

Valuable cooperation

With Crateit we can proudly say that our products create joy, utility and benefit, as all our products are produced and gathered by adult people with different challenges, in protected workshops.

We have respect for man and therefore focus on creating meaning and responsible work for the citizens concerned.

Read more about Crateite's values

The entrepreneurial journey

Crateit started as a school project. Listening the podcast 'Entrepreneurial Stories' with Mark Anthony, to hear about our entire entrepreneurial journey.

Listen to the podcast here
Crateit vinder pris

Customers' reviews of Crateit

Recent press coverage

Inspiration for gifts that stimulate your child's development
tv2 logo
Developmental disability produces sustainable toy
Erhverv plus
Entrepreneurs spend half a million in five days to get beyond the borders of the country:-It becomes bright-or-fall and the experience of our life
Erhvervsliv odense logo
It makes demands on Crateit to hold on to the values: -It is probably not ideal to do as a startup

The team behind Crateit

Martin Wibe Kristensen
Martin Wibe Kristensen

Co-Founder, Sales & Economics


Tel: +45 61 28 51 26

Tonny Kaagaard Olsen
Tonny Kaagaard Olsen

Co-founder, production & development


Tel: +45 61 60 27 72

Karoline Pen

Head of Design
